Monday, January 27, 2014

Weekend of Temptations

Can I have a cupcake please? ???

So this past weekend (days 5, 6 &7) I was supposed to be flying to Denver for a wedding. Well due to the freak ice storm in the south, our flight was canceled and that trip didn’t happen. We ended up staying  in Houston for the weekend.

Thursday night, went out to dinner, did pretty well #21DSD wise. Ordered a burger (no bun) with onions swiss and mushrooms. Got brussel sprouts with bacon as a side. Little did I know they would come fried. Not battered but fried. Probably not the best option but yeah, they were delicious and crispy! And the few leaves that were fried individually were almost like brussel sprout chips. Loved them.

Friday, didn’t do so well. Went out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Seeing as I was supposed to be on vacation, I HAD to have a margarita. I did order it skinny… but it still had agave in it. I also cheated and had a chip or two. I mean they were right there! Who can resist chips and salsa? Ordered chicken and vegetable soup and some ceviche for lunch. After lunch we decided to continue the “vacation” and city wide “snow day” and take it to an early happy hour. (I know I know, alcohol isn’t allowed on the #21DSD. Whatevs.) Vodka soda with lime.  Late into the afternoon I started feeling not so hot. The small lunch combined with the alcohol wasn’t working with my stomach. I was starving and absolutely everything sounded terrible at the time. All I wanted was some saltines. No luck. So I ordered some chicken wings thinking protein was still a safe bet, despite the sauce and all that jazz. Now here’s where we insert a note… Note: as of lately, Chicken makes me gag. Not sure why but I can’t stand the taste of it. Needless to say, couldn’t eat the wings I ordered and still felt terrible. We left the bar and went to a friend for Cheerios with a banana and some almond milk. In reality, I think that is all I could have eaten at the time, anything with any flavor made me want to be sick.

Saturday:  Drove to Kemah for a scenery change and some lunch. Ordered a broiled seafood plate to split with my mother and a side of lobster bisque. ( I know, still not exactly #21DSD approved but still) Lunch was huge so we didn’t get hungry. Later in the day snacked on a green apple with almond butter and cappuccino. A few more beverages were involved that evening.

Sunday:  Sunday morning, pretty much just gave into temptations. Went to Mexican breakfast, ate the chips and salsa, ordered scrambled eggs with onions bell peppers and cheese and a side of refried beans, and ate it on corn tortillas. It was so worth it. For dinner I went back to the proper diet, had 3 strips of bacon, an almost green banana, and some #21DSD pumpkin pancakes with almond butter.

Now its Monday, good ole Monday. Back to the diet and so far so good. Not craving sugar at all surprisingly. Did get a Honest Tea for lunch and accidentally got one that had honey in it, but its only 5 grams of sugar so I think I’m ok. Looking forward to trying some new recipes from the #21DSD cookbook this week and updating on my findings! I WILL make the “almond cheese spread” from the book and some more of the crackers I made last week. I loved those. Think I might try to make some cinnamon ones too that I can use to spread almond butter on.

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